Search results for: Socrates in love

Title: Socrates in Love
Will trade for:Wish list, but feel free to make any other offers.
Location of trader: Florence , SC , United States

Title: Flame of Recca vols 1 - 10
Will trade for:Please see my wish list. If you do not have anything on my wish list - offer anyway
Location of trader: Purvis , MS , United States

Title: Socrates in Love
Will trade for:see my wishlist or will sell for 60% off cover price.
Location of trader: Manchester , CT , United States

Title: Socrates in love
Will trade for:manga
Location of trader: Mount Holly , NC , United States

Title: Socrates in Love (manga/novel set)
Will trade for:I'd rather trade these as a set, so I'd take 1-2 manga volumes in return. You don't need to offer something from my wish list, though that would be preferable.
Location of trader: Chicago , IL , United States